Performs all phases of Millright work. Rigs, moves, assembles and installs machinery and equipment by use of block and tackle, winch, hoist, monorail, etc. Lays out work from drawings or oral specifications. Positions machine or equipment, checks alignment, clearance, level and operation. Instal
Mechanic Maintenance A - 2nd Shift (DSC)
Job Description:

Performs all phases of Millright work. Rigs, moves, assembles and installs machinery and equipment by use of block and tackle, winch, hoist, monorail, etc. Lays out work from drawings or oral specifications. Positions machine or equipment, checks alignment, clearance, level and operation. Installs line shafts and power drives. Performs a wide variety of miscellaneous construction and repair work.

Performs all phases of plumbing and pipefitting work. Plans, lays out, installs, repairs and maintains all types of air, oil, water, steam, drainage, paint, and gas pipe lines and various types of regulators, valves, gauges, controls, and other plumbing accessories necessary for proper functioning.

Performs general sheet metal work. Lays out and constructs a wide variety of sheet metal parts and equipment such as machine guards, ducts, tanks, bins, hoods, trays, chutes, etc. Makes sheet metal repairs as required.

Performs general Mason’s duties including cement finishing, plastering, laying building tile, bricks, rock, stone, cement block, mortar, etc. as required in the construction, repair or maintenance in any part of the plant facilities.

Performs a variety of miscellaneous maintenance repair, servicing, assembly, construction and installation duties not specifically covered in other maintenance job specifications. May direct the work of helpers.


All necessary tools and equipment and measuring instruments required to perform any of the duties required.

Job Requirements:


Three years qualifying maintenance experience; one year of which must have been a s a qualified plumber, pipe fitter, or one year which must have been as a qualified Millright.

Textron is an Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F/D/V)

Company Details
3225 Bell Helicopter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 76118 USA
175 Open Jobs Available
BELL Above and Beyond Flight We are pioneers. We were the first to break the sound barrier and to certify a commercial helicopter. We were aboard NASA’s first lunar mission and brought advanced tiltrotor systems to the market. Today, we’re defining...

Consumer driven benefits options
Vacation time/sick days
"Holiday shutdown" during December holidays
(Job and company information not to be copied, shared, scraped, or otherwise disseminated/distributed without explicit consent of JSfirm, LLC)
Job Info
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Company Details
3225 Bell Helicopter Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 76118 USA
175 Open Jobs Available
BELL Above and Beyond Flight We are pioneers. We were the first to break the sound barrier and to certify a commercial helicopter. We were aboard NASA’s first lunar mission and brought advanced tiltrotor systems to the market. Today, we’re defining...

Consumer driven benefits options
Vacation time/sick days
"Holiday shutdown" during December holidays

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Roanoke, TX

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